IED scholarships

We reward and promote creative talent.

For Bachelor’s Degrees in Higher Artistic Education in Design, BA (Hons), IED Diplomas, Higher Level Training Cycles and Master’s Degrees.

In Fashion, Design, Visual Arts and Communication.

  • IED Spain scholarships for people of any nationality. Covering up to 50% of the course fee.
  • IED Group international scholarships to study at one of the IED schools outside your country of residence. Covering up to 50% of the course fee.
  • Francesco Morelli Foundation scholarships to promote the creative talent of residents in Spain by eliminating socio-economic barriers. Covering up to 100% of the course fee.

Other study grants

The Bachelor’s Degree in Higher Artistic Education in Design is for all intents and purposes equivalent to a BA and therefore eligible for official grants.

You can also apply for the following if you want to study a Higher Level Training Cycle:

IED students can choose from a variety of financing options for their studies:

  • Banco Santander: You can check all the details of the conditions at this link

  • Prodinamia: A company that works with various financial institutions to take care of all the paperwork, free of charge for IED students, until the loan is signed.    

  • Caixa d’Enginyers: This entity offers student loans for various types of programmes. 

  • Caja Rural de Navarra: Financing tuition fees in 3-, 6- or 10-month instalments, free of charge. The borrower’s address must be in the area in which Caja Rural de Navarra operates. 

  • Flywire: Allows international students to pay course fees from their home country, thereby avoiding bank charges and saving on exchange rates. 

  • FIDERH – Mexico: The Fund for Human Resource Development administered by the Bank of Mexico to obtain financing for the IED Italy-Spain-Brazil Master’s programmes as well as a 20% discount on tuition fees. 

  • FUNDAPEC – Dominican Republic: Educational credit institution to obtain financing of all IED Undergraduate, Master’s and Postgraduate programmes, as well as Semester & Academic Year and Summer Courses in Spain and Italy. It also offers a 10% discount on course fees. 

  • Banco Amazonas – Ecuador: Financial institution that offers financing options in the form of consumer loans for the all IED Undergraduate, Master’s and Postgraduate programmes, Semester & Academic Year and Summer Courses in Spain and Italy.  

  • MESCYT – Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology of the Dominican Republic: Government agency in charge of promoting, regulating, advising and managing the National System of Higher Education, Science and Technology. Thanks to an agreement with IED, Dominican students can obtain full scholarships for IED Master’s courses in Spain. 

  • Swedish Board of Student Finance (CSN): Government agency that manages scholarships and student loans in Sweden. IED assists students in applying for financial aid through CSN for Undergraduate, Master, Master of Arts and Academic Year programmes in Italy and Spain. 

  • Lånekassen: Public administrative body under the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research that promotes accessible education for all Norwegian citizens, regardless of their background. IED assists students in applying for financial support from Lånekassen for Undergraduate, Master, Master of Arts and Academic Year programmes in Italy and Spain. 

  • Menntasjóður námsmanna: The Icelandic Student Loan Fund. IED assists students in applying for financial aid through Menntasjóður námsmanna for Undergraduate, Master, Master of Arts and Academic Year programmes in Italy and Spain. 

  • FINS: Financial Institution in Europe that provides personalised loans to students from the European Union wishing to study abroad. The FINS loan scheme is available to those wishing to apply, have applied or have already received an offer for undergraduate or postgraduate studies at IED in Italy and Spain. 

Contact your academic advisor if you need further information about any of these services. If you do not yet have an advisor assigned to you, fill in this form stating your course of interest and he/she will contact you.

We have an aid plan available for large families as well as for family members of IED students and alumni.

Please contact your academic advisor by filling in this form to receive more detailed information on conditions and requirements.