The challenge of the current fashion industrial system consists in renewing a world full of contradictions where the themes of sustainability, identity and digital have now become its founding pillars

Sustainability does not only mean promoting conscious consumption but understanding how the entire fashion chain can optimize processes and improve productivity in a virtuous way by taking care of all the aspects of a garment lifecycle.

It is in this context that the IED School of Fashion examines the connections of fashion with the cultivation or production of raw materials, with the production and printing processes of yarns and fabrics, with traditional and industrial manufacturing, with the management of waste, with the upcycling phenomenon, or with projects aimed at recovering precious archives and vintage garments.

In recent years the fashion  product has become as important as the imagery it brings with it. People don't just buy an object but a lifestyle, a way of thinking or behaving. A dress helps to become aware of who we are and brings with it issues related to both identity and freedom of expression. In this regard, Styling can provide added value by proposing stories that can amplify the messages deriving from a collection, a fabric or an idea.

We have abandoned the era of speech in favor of a rapid and synthetic language made up of images that need to be constructed and inserted into digital media. Also the product ideation and design phases are moving towards virtual worlds that require specialized technical skills. At the same time, in the real world, the fashion industry asks its managers to understand what the needs of its target are, in order to maintain or increase market shares and find the right position in the pyramid that goes from luxury to the mass market.

Our courses at the IED School of Fashion aim to train the key figures of the fashion supply chain, thus ranging from the creative to the strategic field, from the organizational to the commercial aspects, from marketing to image and communication activities. In this direction, the School of Fashion teaches its students to "live" and "feel" fashion, in its entirety and in every single part, an interaction of perspectives and a mix of professional figures.

Discover where we showcase our graduates' fashion collections 

Every academic year finishes with exceptional fashion collections made by our graduates. Get to know the proposals presented on the runway and at different events where we participated throughout the year.